Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 3 Story: The Fall of Adam and Eve

Check out my Portfolio for more information on this story! 

(Apple; Photo from Pexels)

Gossip Gal here, your one and only source for anything and everything scandalous having to do with the most popular couple on the block: Adam and Eve!  This week was one of the most eventful and challenging weeks of Adam and Eve's lives; they did the unthinkable, they let down the one person they swore they would never let down: God. Let me back this up so you can understand the story from the beginning.  It was a clear hot day when God had a conversation with Adam; he specifically told Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit from a specific tree.  Once Adam started to wander off (like he tends to do, as we all know), he ran into a black widow spider who started to persuade Adam into eating the forbidden fruit.  I know what you are all thinking, Adam would never do that, he has much more willpower than that, etc., but, I am here to tell you all that willpower went out the window and Adam did in fact eat the forbidden fruit.  Not only did he eat the fruit, he then persuaded Eve into eating it to; what a couple, persuading each other to do the one thing God asked them not to do.  I bet you are all wondering how God reacted to this, well, let me tell you, he was the opposite of happy and impressed.  In fact, God banished them from our so loved Garden of Life.  He explained to them how they went against everything he had asked them to do, even after he had provided them with everything they would need.  Adam and Eve have been off the radar since, so I don't have anything else to update you guys on, but when I do, you know where to find me!

Gossip Gal

Author's Note: I did a storytelling of The Fall, by Michelangelo.  The original story had very outdated language, so I wanted to make it more modernized.  The original story tells how Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, as I discussed in my story, but I made a few changes.  First, Michelangelo's version, and every other version I have read, depicts Eve as the one who eats the forbidden fruit first and then persuades Adam to as well; I changed this and had Adam be the one who first ate the fruit. Also, in the original, a serpent was the one who persuaded them into eating the fruit, and I changed it to be a black widow.  The original also had a lot more dialogue, but I thought using a spin off version of Gossip Girl would be a fun way to modernize this piece and bring a bit of a reporting sense to it.


  1. I find this story very funny, especially since I am actually watching Gossip Girl right now haha! I really like the way you set up this story because it made it more fun. The language of the original story is very old school and this modernized version was definitely easy to read. I was thinking it might be even easier to read if you separated it into paragraphs--there are just a lot of words in one big clump. Also, I picked up on your storyline changes, but it might be good idea to change names or add or delete details that will make the story more new. However, I thought it was very creative to make this story a depiction of a Gossip Girl blog, and it is funny because it is a blog of a blog. I think it would be very if you made your storybook like this.

  2. Hi Madeleine! I loved this story. It was straight to the point, but had a lot of creativity in the way you presented it. I hope you keep doing the Gossip Girl styled stories. Maybe you could utilize that as a storybook or portfolio. I think it was a great idea to update the language and overall I really enjoyed the story.

  3. Hey Madeleine! I loved your story!! I really enjoyed how you took this well-known story and told it from a completely different perspective-it made it super fun/entertaining to read.Its my favorite thing when people retell old stories in a way that is funny, modern, and relatable!! I would like to think that if there was a 'Gossip Gal' blog back then, they totally would've covered this drama-filled story!I am reading about Bible Women next week and I could totally see myself retelling it in a similar format!

  4. Hey Madeleine!

    First and foremost I absolutely loved your story. I am a huge fan of Gossip Girl and appreciate that you styled your story after it. You were pretty spot on with the wording too. As I was reading your story, I could hear Gossip Girl herself speaking. I also appreciate that you were able to make this story modern and fun. One can say that this one of the most important Biblical stories and the way that you wrote it made it so easy to understand. I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  5. Hi Madeleine! I love your story! I think the Gossip Girl twist was brilliant and it made reading your story even more fun. I also like that the language is very modern, and you made it so funny as well. I agree with Camille that you should continue this Gossip Girl theme for future stories. Keep up the good work!
