Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Week 9 Story: Dinner Dates

Retelling of How Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out to Dinner

This story is part of the Indian Fairy Tales unit. Story source: Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).

(Dinner; Image from Pixabay)

Gossip Gal here, your one and only source for anything and everything scandalous having to do with the most wonderful readings of mythology!!

Soooo... Have any of you guys noticed how bad our weather has been lately? First it's bright, then suddenly dark, and then rainy, and then snowing, etc. I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of all these weather changes, it really makes it hard for me to figure out what to wear each day.

Well, enough about me, I know what you guys are really here to find out: WHY has the weather been so fickle? Well, of course, you know I have the insider information to answer your question!!!

So, our fearless leaders the Sun, Moon, and Wind decided to go out to dinner with Thunder and Lightning. Now, looking from the outside, this seems like a very normal thing to do. But, keep in mind, their mom had not been invited to this dinner, she assumed they would bring home leftovers for her so that she would not starve.

Sun, Moon and Wind were having a wonderful dinner with Thunder and Lightning when they all of a sudden started arguing over who was going to pay the bill and bring home food for their mother.  They decided that Wind would bring home food, and that they would use their mom's credit card to pay for all of their meals.

Once they returned home, mom was furious that they had spend $500 at dinner on HER card, and then, to top it off, Wind brought her home food that she was ALLERGIC to....

You can only imagine the level of anger mom had at this point

She was so furious that she told Sun, Moon, and Wind that they would no longer have control over their powers.  They would no longer be able to produce bright sunny days for children to play outside, or a bright night-light while people peacefully slept, or a cool breeze on a hot summer day.  She explained how she was in charge now, and she would control all of the weather events; and, since she was miserable and mad, she wanted to make the people miserable and mad at the weather as well.

I guess in order to get good weather around here we are going to hope Sun, Moon, and Wind apologize for their actions... Who knows how long that'll take!!! Mom definitely made me angry with this weather.

That's all I have for now, see you next time!!

Gossip Gal

Author's Note:

I kept most of the original story. The only things I changed were to have Wind be the one who brought home food instead of Moon, just to switch it up.  I also added in the part where mom was allergic to the food, instead of in the original where she is only mad at Sun and Wind, and admires moon for thinking about her. I also added in the part where they use her credit card!


  1. Hi there,
    I love the feedback cat you included! Sometimes, we forget learning can be something joyful. It is fun to see feedback cats that I have missed and gain new feedback. I can also relate with you on saying yes to new opportunities. I am usually hesitant and afraid when it comes to trying something outside my horizons. But I guess that is a part of growing and learning.

  2. Hey,

    I really enjoyed your story! I am pretty sure I have commented on of yours before so I thought I would come back and see what new stories you had produced. I am super happy that I came across this one because it sounds like me. A lot of times I am presented with new opportunities, but I am hesitant to try it because I am scared of breaking out of my comfort zone. I really enjoyed this story because it does relate to real life. We take some things for granted and when that is taken away from us, we sometimes do not know what to do. I will definitely be back to see more stories!

  3. Hey Madeleine,
    This is my first time coming to your blog, so you can imagine my surprise when I find a mix of mythology and gossip girl. I love the concept – having some insider scoop on what the gods/mythological figures are doing throughout the day. I also love how this weather can definitely be applied to Oklahoma, where wind and the weather are never steady.

  4. Hello Madeleine! As a meteorology student, your story retelling was so fun to read! I did not get the chance to read the original story, so I am glad you chose it as your blog post this week! The twists that you added really allowed the reader to understand why the mom was so upset since they spent so much of her money and did not even bring her back food that she could eat. This is a great story to read now as well since the weather has been so crazy in Oklahoma lately!

  5. Hi Madeleine! I really liked your retelling. I just have some questions-- What did they spend $500 on??? That is such a big dinner! With all that money and only 5 people plus some leftovers, they were eating very nice. They deserved to get their powers taken away tbh.
